
Parents often like to believe that their child would never engage in any untoward behavior, such as smoking, drinking, sexting, or bullying. However, there are far too many parents who are shocked back into reality when they learn just how scandalous their teenager is behaving. One question that often comes from the parents we see…

Gaming and School Performance

Many parents, including the experts at the Technology Wellness Center, have wondered whether there was a relationship between gaming and school performance.  We have heard from parents who wonder whether their average student could become above average if their gaming was decreased or eliminated.  Luckily, some answers are starting to come forth.  Unfortunately, research is…

Just Kik Me

Kik is a free messenger app that can be downloaded on cell phones, IPods and other devices not associated with a telephone number. The app permits members to privately message one another, which appeals to members who aren’t interested in the public messaging services from Facebook or cell phones. The app is intended for users…

Psychology of Technology (6)

Psychosocial Development and Technology Use (Part 6) In the previous blogs we introduced Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and how technology use might interfere with the first five stages. Psychosocial theory suggests that as we mature from infancy to adulthood we transition through stages of social development that provide us with conflict or challenges.…

Psychology of Technology (4)

Psychosocial Development and Technology Use (Part 4) In the previous blogs we introduced Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and how technology use might interfere with the first three stages. Psychosocial theory suggests that as we mature from infancy to adulthood, we transition through stages of social development that provide us with conflict or challenges.…