Our corporate business clients represent a unique and challenging area of the Technology Wellness Center. We help companies understand the impact of technology on productivity, retention and employee loyalty.
Presentations to our business clients focus on educating employers on how consistent policies in technology can impact the organization’s performance, increase employee satisfaction and improve health and overall well-being for employees.
For Employers: How to Prevent Overuse and Abuse of Technology on the Job
Our presentations for executives, human resources directors and upper management are backed by research, and we introduce tools that will help companies and organizations manage a workforce that is increasingly reliant on digital technology.
For Employees: Your Rights – and Your Employer’s Rights – for Technology Use on the Job
Direct employee presentations explain privacy issues, company resources, time management, and loyalty. Attendees will leave understanding the benefits of having a balanced and thoughtful approach between personal and work technology, which will reduce overall loss of productive time.
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